Sunday, December 29, 2019


We didn’t know her long you see,
Just a few short weeks it seems.
Nothing more than a glossy photo,
Filled us with hopes and dreams.

She wasn’t due for several months,
But excitement was on the rise.
Thoughts of ribbons and pretty bows,
And dresses of every size.

Mom and dad were plenty excited,
Anxiously counting the days.
Family and friends joined in their elation,
Offering encouragement and praise.

Then one morning disaster struck,
A run to the ER they made.
Many a heart was broken that day,
As Cora just could not be saved.

My heart is terribly broken,
My soul in a state of distress.
My granddaughter won’t be in ribbons,
Or wearing a pretty little dress.

Life can be terribly exciting,
Or drive you to the depths of despair.
In the end I’ve come to the conclusion,
Life just doesn’t seem fair.

--Ken Ferguson--
Artiste di Parole

or maybe worse. LOL

Saturday, December 28, 2019

"'After all these years of giving, I said to myself, so why shouldn't I give myself a present.'"

Nicole Kopchak, Instagram star and bikini model.