Friday, July 31, 2009

I can't believe that it is Friday already. Where has the week gone?

Thanks - to Debra and Jack for telling me about a way to make an ice pack with rubbing alcohol and water. 3 parts water to 1 part alcohol into a 1 gallon plastic cooking bag. It freezes into a nice slush that molds to your back. It can be reused over and over again. I have gone thru a lot of ice in the last couple of weeks. It works great!!!

My back - is improving very slowly. Tuesday I felt good enough to go out and putter in the yard and change a couple of sprinklers. Thursday I was a little sore from all the activity. Monday I have an appointment with the pain management doctor at 8:45 am for a consultation. I'm told they don't give you any treatment until you come back a second time. Hopefully that will be quick. Gotta suck all they can from the insurance company.

Power outage - Thursday we had the power in the neighborhood turned off for most of the day so that Edison could to some repairs. We received a notice in the mail about a week before hand to warn us of the event. I spent most of the afternoon at a book store in the air conditioning. What a surprise huh???

Visit - I managed to visit my good friend Jack at his house Wednesday afternoon. He is rebuilding his patio and was working on a gas line for his bbq while I sat and talked with him. It was a nice afternoon.

Tomorrow - August 1st is my dad's 88th birthday. Happy Birthday dad!!!

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