Saturday, June 5, 2010

Once again I take to my computer to write to the local newspaper about an article they wrote. You'll get the gist of the article when you read the letter.

Re: 'In God We Trust'

The Ontario City Council agreed to display the motto, "In God We Trust" in a semi-circle above the city seal in the council chambers in City Hall. Well isn't that special. In a representative government, don't "we the people" have a voice in a decision such as this? Aren't we the "we?"

Councilman Alan Wapner claims responsibility for this move after reading literature from a group called "In God We Trust America." Interestingly, Mr. Wapner only seems concerned with any litigation that may be brought against the City. There is this silly little clause in the U.S. Constitution called separation of church and state you know.

But what about the loss of the feeling of unity this could bring. The article states that about 17% of California's population are atheist. What percentage of Californians worship other "Gods?" Are we to assume that the word "God" in the motto denotes all "Gods?" I think not. According to the web site, the founder Jacquie Sullivan, "is known in her community as a committed Christian and a dedicated patriot, promoting love and loyalty to both God and Country." Hmm??

So if we ask Mr. Wapner which God he thinks the motto stands for, I'll bet we'll get something akin to, "the one true Christian God." If we do, then Mr. Wapner you are promoting segregation and division.

Mr. Wapner and members of the Ontario City Council - you are officials elected to represent everyone in your district. On this day it would appear that you fell well short of those responsibilities.

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