Saturday, September 24, 2011

According to, Pulaski County has paid $231,662 to cover its share of costs in a legal battle the county lost over attempts to post copies of the Ten Commandments in the courthouse. The American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky received the check according to a news release. The county fiscal court took out a loan to pay the bill.

The payment ends Pulaski County's part in the court fight that lasted more than 11 years, in which a federal judge ruled that Pulaski and McCreary counties posting of the Ten Commandments violated the Constitution.

McCreary County Officials are soliciting donations to help pay their part of the cost of the suit and have raised $20,000.  Letters have been sent to organizations such as Focus on the Family and Trinity Broadcasting for assistance.  Perhaps they will learn.

A sign in a frame that once held the Ten Commandments.

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