Sunday, February 7, 2010

Went for a bike ride on Thursday at Puddingstone. Rode twice around the figure 8 of the lake and airport. There was a lot of mud on some of the trails and the lake looked higher. I paid the price for my recent couch potato ways and got quite a workout.

This puddle covered the entire road, so I had to ride along the edges and then cross once in a shallow area. As I started to cross I came out from behind a bush and a bit of a curve in the road and caused a teenage girl to scream at the top of her lungs. Scared the shit out of me. She was with two other teenagers, including one guy. When she screamed, I stopped and had to step into the mud or fall over. She said she screamed because I startled her and some homeless guy already scared her a little while ago by stepping out from the bushes. Geeze!!!

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