California is in lockdown once again as covid infections skyrocket. The current lockdown is for three weeks, but could be extended if the numbers don't come down.
If I had been asked to direct "The Big Bang Theory."
Rode to the beach on Sunday. Didn't see her on the way.
Happy birthday to Kaley Cuoco, aka "Penny" from the "The Big Bang Theory," who turns 35 today.
"The Big Bang Theory"
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Sarah Fuller of Vanderbuilt University became the first woman to play in an SEC football game after the regular kicked went down with the covid virus. Sarah just finished winning an SEC soccer championship for her school.
Happy birthday to Canadian actress Allison Pill who turned 35 on the 27th.
as Zelda Fitzgerald
Went to Laughlin for Thanksgiving. Ended up hitting the royal flush above and hit four deuces three times.
Our latest lock down started last night with a curfew from 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM. The stores are once again sporting empty shelves as people panic buy, of all things, toilet paper.