Sunday, March 22, 2009

Representative Randy Forbes (R-Va) from the U.S. House of Representatives has introduced a bill to place the Lincoln-Obama Bible on permanent display in the Capitol Visitor Center. The bill states that the Bible should be permanently displayed "on the Lincoln table at the Capitol Visitor Center for the benefit of all it's visitors to fully understand and appreciate America's history and Godly heritage."

This of course is the Bible that President Obama took his oath of office on in January of this year.

I have no problem with the display of this Bible for purely historic purposes. However, I have to take offense to the wording of his proclamation and wonder where Rep. Forbes' real intentions lie.

First there is a great deal of evidence that those who formed our great nation were less Christian in belief than Deist. A Deist is someone who believes that there is a "god" but that he/she formed the universe and has been "hands off" ever since. The Deist likens "god" as a great watch maker who puts the movement of the watch into motion and then steps back and watches it tick.

Now the statement "Godly Heritage" may not be a problem until Rep. Forbes goes on to add in the body of the bill, "Whereas the Holy Bible is God's Word." Says who? Which God? America has long been the "melting pot" of the world and that melting pot has always included persons of every faith and many of no faith. The Holy Bible is strictly a Christian text and would lend one to believe that the "Godly Heritage" indicated would be the Christian Godly Heritage.

Now you may say that nobody who visits the capitol visitors center will ever know the wording behind the bill so what's the big deal. Would Congress, by approving this bill, be confirming that the Bible is the word of God? We have this small issue called separation of church and state.

Rep. Forbes - display the Bible if you wish for historic value, but change the wording of your bill to be more inclusive of all faiths (or no faith) of the United States of America.

You can read the bill at

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