Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday morning I joined several hundred others in a rally and march to support the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations on "Bank Transfer Day." The movement was apparently started by a SoCal woman with the idea to get the attention of the big banks by having people transfer their accounts out of the big banks to local banks and credit unions. She spread the idea thru a "Facebook" page and it spread like wild fire.

So this morning I got up early and drove to Los Angeles and joined the rally at 4th and Grand Ave. The crowd gathered in this small mall area and marched north on Grand and east on Spring Street. CBS2 news was there and their report on the march can be seen here:

The march stopped in front of the Bank of America kiddie-corner from City Hall and spent 15-20 minutes there voicing their disgust in big banks.

Several people wrote their opinions of B of A on their wall with chalk.

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