Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Foot Loose and Fancy Free

The months will pass, then days, then hours,
And then the time will be all ours.
We’ll fill our days - just you and me,
Just being foot loose and fancy free.

We’ll see the world, by boat, by plane,
We’ll drive the car or take a train.
We’ll fill our days - just you and me,
Just being foot loose and fancy free.

We’ll see a concert, a museum, a game,
Or just relax, it’s all the same.
We’ll fill our days - just you and me,
Just being foot loose and fancy free.

The chairs await, for you, for me,
You’ll punch the clock and then be free.
We’ll fill our days – just you and me,
Just being foot loose and fancy free. 

--Ken Ferguson--
Artista di Parole

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