Sunday, July 28, 2019

Spent the weekend in Oregon visiting Karen's sister and her family. We paid a visit to the Cottage Grove cemetery to see Karen's parent's grave sites.

The first night of our road trip we stayed in a refurbished steam boat in Sacramento.  The boat was the Delta King.  The room was pretty small and tilted to the outside of the boat, but it was fun. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Important takeaways from Meuller's testimony before Congress today.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

This is why you should always wear your seat belts.  Your car may come to a sudden stop because of a collision but your body will continue at the speed you were traveling until it too hits an object to make it stop.  Your seat belt will absorb the energy, leaving you with a big nasty bruise across your chest, but save you from hitting the windshield at 70 mph. 

I road 15 miles today around the neighborhood.  Didn't see her anywhere. 

This is a photo of pENCE visiting one of tRUMP'S concentration camps for immigrants waiting for a hearing on their application for entry into the USA.  His body language says it all. 

tRUMP held a rally in the lovely state of North Carolina last night and openly criticized the same four women Democrats which brought out a chant of "send them back" from the crowd.  When asked about it today, tRUMP said he wasn't happy with the response and tried to cut it off by starting to speak quickly again, which is contrary to video evidence.  LIAR!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My wife has a globe that lights up at night flanked by two butterflies in the front of our house. It's strictly for decorative purposes and has no spiritual significance to it. 

Earlier this week someone  decided to enter our property and leave their religious paraphernalia next to her globe.  You can plainly see the words god and Jesus on a couple of the rocks left behind.  

I guess these people felt it their duty to enter upon my property and add to, or change, our landscape to something more to their liking.  I believe delivering a message was their ultimate intent, assuming we are not "god fearing Christians" like them and should be.  

tRUMP has become involved in a twitter war with these four members of the House of Representatives. Notice anything similar between these four? Democrat women of color who are not afraid to criticize him. He has come out and said that if they don't like it here in America, they should leave, a statement right out of the white bigot handbook.  The House of Representatives passed a motion to condemn tRUMP'S racist comments voted on by all the Democrats and four Republicans.

I have to wonder when the Republicans will finally have had enough of him?  Where is their tipping point? So much bigotry in this country.  How sad.