Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Ode to the Tech Guy

You grab your chair and sit right down,
It’s Monday so you sport a frown.
You flip the switch and then you wait,
There’s no display, alas my fate.

You check the cables both to and from,
Your heart starts beating like a drum.
You turn it off and wait a spell,
Then there you sit: in computer hell.

You turn it back on to no avail,
You begin to whimper, weep, and wail.
Your heart is racing, you’re in a sweat,
How will you work, your deadlines met? 

Quick call the guy, you know the one,
The computer tech guy, he’ll get it done.
He eventually arrives, you’re in a stupor,
My computer’s dead, oh can you save her!

He checks the back and under your desk,
His every move a lavish burlesque.
It’s an ID 10 T he says with a smirk,
And looks right at you like you’re really a jerk.

A push of a button a wave of his wand,
A quick incantation from somewhere beyond.
The machine jumps to life with its icons ablaze,
You hug him, and thank him, and lavish him with praise.

So, a shout out to the tech guy, the computer magician,
Where would we be without this ingenious clinician.
The master of cables and the whiz of connections,
We salute you the tech guy, with heartfelt affections.

--Ken Ferguson--
Artista di Parole

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