Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Winter Solstice
You can set the wall clock; she’s always on time,
with a blast of cold wind or silent as a mime.
The Winter Solstice knows just when she is due,
She’s quite faithful you know, in leaving us clues.
Leaves turning colors and falling to the ground,
the winds turning crisp not a flower can be found.
Sweaters and boots become the fashion of the day,
wool caps and mittens keep the weather at bay.
Stockings being hung by the chimney with care,
people at the malls for their holiday fare.
Holiday cheer being consumed by the case,
fruit cakes and fudge; I’ll just have a taste.
The first snows of winter have dusted the lawn,
warm sunny days, like the dodo, are gone.
Winter has come; it’s arrived right on cue,
Earth’s journey ending just to start out anew.
--Ken Ferguson--
Artista de Parole

Charm Lindblad

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