Thursday, December 29, 2011

This is great!!  We have a Christmas Eve tradition at out house to watch the movie "A Christmas Carol" with George C. Scott as Mr. Scrooge.  I quickly deduced that Mr. Scrooge was the poster boy for the 1% and Bob Cratchet for the 99%.  I made one comment about it to the family and then let it slide so as not to ruin the evening for my family who already think I'm nuts for supporting the OWS movement.

I did, however, make mental notes of several occasions where the rub between the 1% and 99% were quite obvious.  Families living under a bridge, the Cratchet family celebrating with a small turkey, and of course Mr Scrooge lambasting the poor by asking if there are no more prisons, or poor houses to go too. 

Mr. Scrooge comes around and makes amends for his thoughtless ways.  I don't expect our current 1% to do the same unless forced to do so. 

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