Thursday, September 13, 2012

Holy Wars 2012

The recent attack on the American Embassy is nothing more than Holy Wars 2012. Holy wars have been raging for hundreds of years. Our most recent version goes like this. An American zealot of questionable faith, possibly Jewish or Coptic Christian, made a movie that criticises the Islamic Prophet Mohamed. He downloads the video onto Youtube and insures that is it translated into Arabic so that his target audience can understand it. A zealot "pastor" from Georgia, who is famous for wanting to burn Qurans last year or the year before, endorses it. 
The Islamic zealots see the video and rise up in protest to defend the honor of their religion.  The only target available to them is the U.S. embassy, which they attack.  Word of the attack on the embassy reaches the U.S. and Christian zealots, who believe that the U.S. is a "Christian Nation", rise up in defense of the Christian Religion. 
There is a problem though.  President Obama and Sec. of State Clinton are able to take a step back, access the situation, connect the dots, and stop the war from escalating any further.  This frustrates the Christian zealots because they can't get into the war and get their licks in, so they attack President Obama as being weak, a Muslim sympathizer, and an American apologist.  Christian zealot of the first rung, Sarah Palin, came out and said that if President Obama walks quietly and carries a big stick, he needs to grow a bigger stick. 
I'm not at all surprised at the current  version of the Holy Wars. This circle of hatred and violence will never end until the human race as a whole gets past the religious beliefs of "my God is better than your God", and "us vs. them."   

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