Monday, January 14, 2013

I enjoy driving a car.  I really enjoy driving my car.  My FJ cruiser.  I sit up a little higher. It rides pretty smooth.  It has enough engine to get me over the mountains.  It has a good stereo with a hookup for my Ipod, but more often than not, I drive without music. I enjoy the feel of the car on the road.  I enjoy looking at the scenery and reading the license plate covers and bumper stickers.

 I don't drive very fast as a rule.  70 MPH is usually my max.  75 MPH out on the highway on road trips.  I spend most of my time in the slower lanes, with the big trucks, which is probably why I have 8 dings in my windshield.  Jack always makes fun of me for driving over to the right.

When I drove a truck for that short four months, I enjoyed the driving part.  I didn't enjoy trying to find the pickup or drop off spots, or trying to back a 53' trailer into some of the loading docks.  But I enjoyed the driving.  The truck drivers as a whole usually kept to themselves, even in the truck stops. So life on the road can be pretty lonely.  I didn't have a working CB radio so I wasn't able to chat with other drivers out on the road.  I still enjoy checking out the trucks, where they are from, wondering where they are going.

I've been cooped up in the house for almost a week now with this head cold.  Still can't hear normally.  I can listen to videos on the Internet with my headphones.  I can carry on a conversation, for the most part.  I can't quite make out the TV yet. I bought some max cold/sinus medicine today hoping it will clear my head. 

So today I ventured out and got my car washed and picked up a frappacinno at Starbucks.  I went for a short drive, W/B on the 60 frwy, N/B on the 71 expressway, E/B on the 210 frwy, and then S/B on the I/S 15.  It was great to be out and about. 

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