Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A lot of people watch the Superbowl game for the commercials. I liked the Radio Shack one with all the '80 stars running around and the one with the military guy that came home to a small town with a parade etc. The Coca Cola commercial, shown below, stirred up quite a controversy.

Seems many were mad that such an "American" (can you say "white Christian" boys and girls) song should be sung by minorities in languages other than English (you know - "American talk")  Some were upset that the commercial showed two gay guys holding hands, truly unamerican!!  Then we learn that the writer of "America the Beautiful" church organist Katherine Lee Bates was a Lesbian and involved in a 25-year relationship Katherine Coman.  Yet there are those who would try to tell you that racial and sexual hatred and discrimination is long gone in America.  I think not.

As usual Stephan Colbert has a great take on the whole controversy here.

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