Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Rise Up!!

Cry out in anguish oh children of the night!  Fill
the air with your frightened screams and baleful
wails. Your oasis in the desert, your beacon on a hill,
is about to be swallowed up by the darkness of
man’s bigotry, hatred and racism.

The evil puppet master has gained control
of the strings of government. He has taken aim
at the rights and privileges of “others”, determined
to squash them and send “We the People” back into
the dark ages for the sake of white privilege. 

Rise up in righteous contempt and violent rebellion
oh children of the shadows!  Grab your pitchfork and
light your torch.  Resist their war against all that is fair
and true.  Protest in the streets, block traffic, and create
chaos in resistance to their bigotry, hatred and racism.  

--Ken Ferguson--
Artista di Parole

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