Saturday, June 13, 2009

Last Wednesday I went to the Bally's Gym in Riverside. I get on a Life Cycle exercise bike to do my 45 minutes. There is a guy on the bike next to me and he is pedaling to beat the band. (that means fast for those of you who may have never heard of this colloquialism)

This rider is about 20 years old. He is about 6' tall and weighs about 170 lbs. He appears to be in very good shape. His sandy blond hair is short and trimmed nicely. I notice that he has a thin face and chiseled jaw. He is wearing a light green long sleeve shirt, matching gym shorts, and running shoes.

I notice that his long sleeve shirt is soaked with sweat all down his back and down both sleeves. This doesn't surprise me as I also end up with a soaked shirt from 45 minutes of riding the bike. But I bring a large towel, fold it in half, and drape it across the handle bars so that it catches the sweat from my hands and arms and the sweat that drips from my nose and chin. No big deal.

I also notice that sweat is running from his sleeves to his hands, onto the handlebars of the bike, down the base of the bike, and forming a puddle on the floor. He doesn't appear to have a towel, which is required of all members when they work out.

So I am riding along trying to mind my own business when the guy next to me finishes his ride. So I'm wondering to myself whether he is going to clean up his mess. He reaches down to the floor and picks up a backpack and starts to walk away, without making any effort to clean up after himself.

Now you have to understand that there is now sweat on the handlebars, the face of the machine, down the base, and puddled on the floor on both sides of the bike. Gross!!! I used to run on the treadmill at the P.D. and Commander Fields used to ride the bike and get it soaked just like this guy. When confronted, the commander would just shrug it off and say "it will dry". Gross!!!

So... I looked him square in the eyes and asked, "aren't you going to clean up your mess?" The look on his face was shock and it stopped him in his tracks.

He didn't say a word. He opened his backpack and removed a towel. (Great place for it!!) He took a couple of swipes at the face of the machine, a couple more at the seat, and walked away.

Now I thought about saying something else, but thought I had made my point. I had to wonder who cleans up after him at home. Will this intervention change his behavior?? I doubt it. Do I feel better having at least said something to the jerk. Definitely!!

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