Saturday, September 26, 2009

Letter to the newspaper

I sent a new letter to the local newspaper. It's similar to the blog entry I made a couple of days ago on dominionism. Alma Tilley wrote a letter complaining about the Freedom From Religion Foundation and their billboards. So I just had to respond.

My letter reads as follows;

Freedom From Religion

On September 25th Alma R. Tilley wrote a letter entitled, "No Practical Effect." I applaud Alma's right to voice her opinion under the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States. I only wish the freedom from religion fight was as simple as her analogy to "Freedom From Bubblegum."

The fight for freedom from religion is a fight against the ultraconservative right wing religionists who want to abolish the U.S. Constitution and legal system, and Alma's ability to write her letter, and replace it with the Ten Commandments and Mosaic laws of the Judeo-Christian Bible. Many are referred to as dominionists. (google search?)

Dominionism is a doctrine which demands the total remaking of society to conform with the laws of the Old Testament of the Bible. It states that the second coming of Jesus Christ will never occur until "God’s kingdom" is established here on earth. The dominionists get their "authority" from the Judeo-Christian Bible and their interpretation of the book of Genesis, chapter 1 verse 26.

You know these folks. End times. Armageddon. Good vs. evil. They are advocating "reclaiming America for Jesus Christ" or bringing about "the rule and reign of the cross to America." People such as Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore who had a 5200 lb monument of the Ten Commandments erected in the State court building or 2008 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee who is quoted in last years primary as saying, "I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God."

They don't want a democracy. They want a theocracy; A government where a god or deity is recognized as the state's supreme civil ruler. Take a look at Iran if you want to see what a theocracy looks like. Read the first five books of the Judeo-Christian Bible if you want a look at Old Testament prohibitions. Can you say animal sacrifices or death by stoning?

"One Nation Under God". Be careful what you ask for.

Ken Ferguson
Ontario, Ca.

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