Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Looks like I will be heading back to work. I had an interview with Captain Vail at El Monte P.D. Tuesday morning. I was given a tour of the department and introduced to everyone in sight. When we sat down for serious discussions, I learned that I would be a part-time employee with the city rather than a contract employee. I will probably work three 8-hr. days a week depending on the work load. I will be the only one in the forensics unit and will have any fingerprint matches I make verified by members of the West Covina P.D. Forensic Identification Unit.

My uniform will be dark blue or black cargo pants and an El Monte P.D. polo shirt. My duties will be to process evidence submitted by patrolmen for fingerprints, search any fingerprints developed and submitted latent prints through the lafis computer, write reports and so on. I may have to process a vehicle involved in a serious felony once in awhile, but mostly I will be the proverbial "lab rat". No crime scenes and no midnight phone calls.

I arranged to work with the forensic dudes at WCPD a couple days to get back up to speed on the lafis computer. I have also started reading up on old forensic info, hence the page turner shown shown to the right. It's all starting to come back to me.

The only thing left is a brief background investigation. I could start work as early as March 1st. Should be fun and help pay a couple of bills.

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