Monday, December 27, 2010

Went for a bike ride at Puddingstone Lake Monday. I couldn't do my usual figure 8 around the lake and Brackett Airport because of the mud and rain from all the recent rain. You can see by the photo below that the entire road is blocked, and this isn't a puddle but overflow from the lake.

It wouldn't have done much good to get thru the road above because the other end of the road was also blocked. This is usually a 2'-3' wide river crossing.

But as you can see, it was a beautiful day for a bike ride. A little chilly, but perfect to try out my new long sleeve bike shirt. The lake is pretty high from all the recent rain, and there were several crews of guys in the park cutting up fallen trees.

Got about a half an inch of rain in a quick storm Saturday night and there is more expected Wednesday.

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