Monday, May 28, 2012

I received an email from Scott Fahey, "POA Chaplin" regarding Memorial Day wishes for all Vets.  In the beginning of the email, Scott wrote that he has a bumper sticker on his truck that says "OTHERS."  He said it reminds him to think of others before himself.

Here was my response to him:

Chaplin Scott,

The Gnostic Christians, pre-Roman Catholic, believed that each of us has "God" in us. If you reach down and touch the inside of your wrist, you too can experience "God." Your pulse, that spark of life in you, that is evidence that "God" is in you.

That spark of life that controls thousands of things going on inside of you that you have no control over? That is "God" in you. Each of us has it. No one has more that the next, and you don't have to read a special book or adhere to a special set of rules to get it. And best of all, you can't lose it!!!

So therefore there are no "OTHERS." We are all one. The Bible says to love God and love one another. But you have to look at it in the broader sense of one another as everyone. "God" is like the sun in that it shines on everyone equally. It shines on women just as men. It shines on homosexuals just as hetersexuals. Jews and Muslims just as Christians. On and on it goes.

There will never be peace on earth as long as humans recognize "OTHERS." Wouldn't it be great if next Memorial Day we could say that there had been no war casualities in the last year?? In know - "Pie in the Sky"

Love ya Bro,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said!