Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One thing that I found very interesting about this election is the influence that the media had on it. In the early months of last summer the polls were saying that President Obama was leading by a wide margin and would win the election with 300 electoral votes. The media then turned the race into a neck & neck affair in order to keep the public interest and spur their ratings. Low and behold, President Obama won with over 300 electoral votes!! Why??

I read that over $6 billion was spent on this election, a large portion of it going to television ads. And where did most of this money come from??  Wealthy donors.  The Kock brothers.  Super Pacs. Karl Rove. Corporations who are now able to donate with no limit.  And where did it go?  Back to the 1%ers who control the media outlets. 

So the media had to light a fire under the election to make the big bucks on campaign ads. In my mind, we were duped by the 1% yet again. All this hatred and divisiveness between us was stirred up by the 1% so that they could reap more profits from the election.
The 1% doesn't care about Democrats or Republicans, same-sex marriage, or abortion. All they care about is their corporate bottom line. As long as they keep the "people" divided, the "people" won't realize that they are being played and the 1% is making bank.
While we probably won a small victory in voting down Mitt Romney, poster boy for the 1%, I think there are many more battles to come. 

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