Friday, April 24, 2015

This is Maggie Gallagher the head of the National Organization for Marriage.  That catchy title would lead one to believe they are for marriage for one and all.  Not so.  They strongly oppose same-sex marriage because of their Christian values.  And Christians and their values are under attack.  She recently was quoted as saying, “Christianity in this country is going to enter a new phase where we are a hated minority group, and I think we had better be psychologically and spiritually prepared for that and be prepared to rebuild from the ruins of the collapse of civilization that we’re witnessing."

Those who oppose same-sex marriage know they are losing the war and hope to turn the tide by spreading fear that the entire Christian lifestyle, because that's really what it is, will crumble when same-sex marriage finally passes.  Believe me, there are those who truly believe this.  But same-sex marriage will prevail.  Thirty-two states and counting. Christians have historically fought against equal rights such as the abolishment of slavery, the passing of the right to vote for women, and the right for inter-racial marriage, so another loss won't bring an end to the Christian way of life.

People such as Ms. Gallagher try to speak for "all Christians" and yet a good part of their battle is with those within the "Christian lifestyle" who are not against same-sex marriage and believe that Jesus stood for love for one another.

So really the only question left to be answered now is which state will hold the embarrassment of the last state to give in and pass same-sex marriage.  Or will the Supreme Court step in and make same-sex marriage the law of the land.  This way Christians can continue to rail against same-sex marriage and say that the federal government forced their hand, not that they gave in to accepting  it. I say Alabama (sorry Brian) will be the last state to give in.  Any bets?

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