Saturday, September 4, 2010

I'm reading, or re-reading the book, "Atheist Manifesto, The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam." Here is an interesting excerpt from that book:

"Men create God in their own inverted image. Mortal, finite, limited, suffering from all these constraints, haunted by the desire for completeness, human beings invent a power endowed with precisely the opposite characteristics. With their faults turned inside out, like the fingers of a pair of gloves, they manufacture characteristics at whose feet they kneel and finally prostrate themselves. I am mortal, but God is immortal. I am finite, but God is infinite. I am limited, but God knows no limits. I do not know everything, but God in omniscient. I cannot do everything, but God is omnipotent. I am not blessed with the gift of ubiquity, but God in omnipresent. I was created, but God was uncreated. I am weak, but God is the Almighty. I dwell on earth, but God is in heaven. I am imperfect, but God is prefect. I am nothing, but God is everything. And so on."

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