Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weird weather the last few days. First it's 112 on Monday and then by Wednesday/Thursday we are having scattered thunder showers. I saw a bolt of lightning Wednesday evening, not as cool as this one, over the L.A. County Fair in some dark clouds. This morning I woke to the sound of rain drops on our patio roof. Come on rain!!!

Rode my bike to the beach today, Thursday, from the "Big A." It was really nice at the beach, with the temps in the 70's and a bit windy. But a head wind there, means a tail wind going home!!!

Wednesday I was exposed to mold while at work. I opened up a paper bag of evidence and found the beer cans and bottle covered with mold. It appears that the officer put the damp items into a plastic bag and then into a paper bag. The plastic doesn't allow the moisture to escape and heat and moisture with the beer caused mold.

Later in the day, I registered for a drawing at the "ride share" event at city hall. About 40 minutes later, I received a call on my cell phone telling me I had won something in the drawing. Because of the poor reception, I thought she said I had won a Ferrari!!! I actually won a gift card to In-N-Out!!! Yea!!! What would I do with a Ferrari anyway??

In two weeks I will be in Puerto Rico with my traveling buddy OB. We are leaving on Oct. 13th and will be back on Monday the 25th. Going back to the deaf school to do volunteer work and hit their beautiful beaches. It's a win-win!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right now, I'd rather have the Double-Double than the Ferrari. I miss it......