Thursday, October 7, 2010
Meridian, MS.

Attorney Jailed for Not Reciting Pledge of Allegiance

An Attorney in Lee County Chancery Court was jailed by the presiding judge for not saying the Pledge of Allegiance. As the story goes, attorney Danny Lampley was in court to represent a client and stood when Judge Littlejohn entered the court room. Judge Littlejohn said, "please stand for the pledge." Mr. Lampley stood solemnly with his hands at his side while the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in the courtroom. When the Pledge of Allegiance was finished, Judge Littlejohn told Mr. Lampley to recite the pledge and he refused. Judge Littlejohn found Mr. Lampley in contempt and was taken into custody. Mr. Lampley was released from custody five hours later.

It would seem to me that Mr. Lampley has the right to not recite the Pledge of Allegiance if he choses. I think he should sue the pants off of the judge for false arrest.

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