Saturday, March 22, 2008

Last Tangle in Persia

Last Tangle in Persia
Allan Uthman

A lot of people dismiss out of hand the idea that Bush will do something as dumb as invade Iran in the remaining few months of his seemingly interminable reign. It would, after all, be a colossally stupid move, indicating that the administration has learned nothing from the disaster in Iraq—which Cheney just now called a “success.” That word is all you need to hear to understand just how little they’ve learned.

They will attack Iran, and leave it to the next president to handle the aftermath. Anyone who thinks they’re too election-conscious to do it isn’t seeing the situation clearly. Being thrust into a new frightening international conflict during the election doesn’t help the Democrats; it helps McCain. If people are afraid—and an aggrieved Iran, unlike Iraq, is actually something to be afraid of—they will vote for the war hero in droves. If nothing else, attacking Iran is a great election strategy for the GOP. Sure, when the dust has settled and, once again, it slowly dawns on Americans that they’ve been conned, just like they were so many times before, there’ll be the usual “hell” to pay—vaguely critical punditry, low approval ratings, the occasional lecture from Henry Waxman—but it will be the Republicans in power yet again, planning the next invasion, but waiting to debut the PR campaign in the fall, when the public is most receptive.

My Note: These are excerpts from the article. The entire article can be found at I downloaded the above cartoon months ago hoping I would never have to use it.

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