Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In case you wondered, the 5.8 earthquake yesterday in Washington D.C. was caused by homosexuals.

In a video posted to YouTube, Rabbi Levin asserted that "one of the reasons God brings earthquakes to the world is because of the transgressions of homosexuality."

That according to Yehuda Levin, who is a Rabbi and founder of the Congregation Mevakshei Hashem (Those Who Seek the Lord) Synagogue in Brooklyn, New York. Levin is described as a vocal religious conservative who opposes gay rights and abortion.

Hmm!!! Who Knew???


Anonymous said...

This guy is a crazy idiot and his opinions are not those of the vast majority. It's a shame that people like this are the face of anything, much less their religious beliefs.

Kathy said...

Don't piss off a Queen!!