Saturday, June 15, 2013

What a week I had.  I returned from being gone from work for a week at a school and got hit with an avalanche of work.  I processed two cars Tuesday.  One was a carjacking where a couple was in a remote spot, naked in the back seat of the car, when a thug or three took them out at gun point and left them standing there in their undies while they drove off with their car.  I got a great palm print and a decent fingerprint from the outside of the rear passenger side window.  I've made an ID on the fingerprint, but am frustrated that the beautiful palm print didn't hit. 

So I haven't even written those reports yet and got a hit on an old burglary case.  When I took the results of that hit to the detective, he knew the 15 year old kid and already had several cases filed in him.  I got another hit on fingerprints submitted by an officer on a vehicle burglary.  Typical four fingers inside the window. 

Each time I make a fingerprint match I have to take it to another examiner to have it verified, which takes time.  So I was supposed to get off at 3:00 pm each day last week and didn't leave until 4:30 or so.  Hopefully it will slow down next week so I can catch up.  Or not.  I love getting fingerprint hits from the computer. 

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