Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fox News is outraged, outraged I tell you, because President Obama isn't going to attend the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address by President Lincoln.  

Fox News's Brian Kilmeade discussed with Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger whether it is "inappropriate for our president to bypass" the commemoration ceremony of the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address during the November 19 edition of Fox & Friends. At one point Kilmeade asked whether Henninger thought Obama was refusing to attend because "after that address and after the Civil War we still weren't a perfect union? We still had to wait for the Civil Rights Act and so many -- the integration of schools, Brown vs. the Board of Education?" Henninger replied, "I think probably that President Obama does think the unfinished business remains unfinished in bringing the country and its races together."

"Civil Rights Act?"  "Integration of schools?"  "Brown vs. the Board of Education?"  Does anyone else detect a racial undertone??  Talk about manufactured outrage.  

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