Sunday, July 5, 2015

This poem is a little dark, but no need to call 9-1-1 on my behalf. LOL

Into the Darkness

Darkness, oh darkness, why visit me this day?
Hovering over me, like the specter of death,
Your putrid stench roiling around my head,
Gagging and coughing, my panic threatens to swallow me,

Darkness, oh darkness, why visit me this day?
Poised to wrap your cold black hands around my heart.
Digging your razor sharp fingers into my chest,
My life’s blood spurting from the gaping wound of my being.
Fight back!

Darkness, oh darkness, why visit me this day?
The thick blanket of your wickedness overwhelms my thoughts,
Teasing me with the stark completeness of my destruction,
Promising the endless quiet of my demise.
Stand firm!

Darkness, oh darkness, why visit me this day?
Take me quickly, quietly, and completely.
Submit once again!
Ken Ferguson

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