Friday, July 24, 2009

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with two very special friends. Steve Goens I and grew up together. He lived on 18th street and I lived on 19th street in Chino. He now lives in Hisperia. Charm (Birow) Lindblad and I went all through high school together.

Charm, Cheryl Billips, Carla Taylor, Phil Bravo, Steve and I met as a group in the mornings before school and during lunch. We also spent a lot of time together during the summers at the high school auditorium playing ping pong and caroms, and at Charm's house in her pool. Ah the memories!! She lives in Albuquerque, N.M.

The three of us met for lunch yesterday and caught up on our lives and told stories from the past. After sitting in the Soup Plantation for a couple of hours, I drove them around Chino and hit some of the old spots. One of those spots had to be good Ol' Chino High School.

We had a great time together and have plans to get together again in November with our spouses.

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