Monday, May 11, 2015

The Door of Opportunity
I stand outside the garden door,
Wondering why it is ajar.
Could it be an invitation?
Or just my imagination,
Playing games with my intention,
Just a pretext of prevention.

The wall stands tall, eight feet or more,
Three feet wide - a solid core.
Yet the door stands quite unlocked,
Offering entry quite unblocked,
Will they answer if I knocked?
Will they like me if we talked?
May I venture through the door?
NO! He says, then adding more.
I don’t even know your name,
I’m not privy to your fame.
Perhaps harassment is your game,
Thanks for coming just the same.

The door slams shut and locks quite tight,
Here I stand no chance to fight.
No opportunity to state my case,
No invitation for saving face.
With no allowance into the place,
I stumble away in dark disgrace.
Ken Ferguson

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