Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I went under the knife today with nary a whimper. I went to Kaiser to have them look at a bump that was bleeding and dare I say oozing. Dr. Hicks said she didn't like the looks of it and wanted to take it off. Luckily she never saw my penis!!!

So under the knife I went. After numbing the area, she prepared to cut it out. It was then that I asked if she had ever done one of these procedures before. She didn't quite see the humor I guess.

After removing the bump, she told me she was pretty sure it was a cyst and not apt to be cancerous. She was sending it to the lab to be sure.

Three stitches later she was asking, "that wasn't too bad now was it?" I told her that at my age anytime I can leave a doctor's office without having had to drop my pants is a good day. She did laugh at that.

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