Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Solstice

Sunday, December 21, 2008, 7:04 AM EST (4:04 AM PST) marks the solstice - the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

This phenomenon is a direct result of the Earth-Sun relationship. At winter solstice, the sun is at its lowest point: the longest night, the most profound descent into the dark, and a subsequent turning of the cycle, a return to the Light.

Thus a moment of REBIRTH, return and renewal of the life force are signaled. Light begins to grow once again.

This is why all cultures on this planet, since long ago, have celebrated this moment in one way or another. To safeguard & tend to the sacred fire of Life, to keep hope alive, to acknowledge the ever-renewing power of Nature & and all living things, to assure the Return of our day star, the Sun.

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