Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Steps of Life

The steps of one’s life aren’t ever evenly matched,
allowing one to skip lackadaisically from one to the next,
to meander along like a spring garden path,
or saunter dreamily along a moonlit promenade.
What fun would that be?
Where would the challenge be?

Nay, the steps of life are meant to make one leap joyously
from one step to the next, each leap a different length
than the next, each surface a different consistency than the last,
each landing filled with the promise of new beginnings,
answers to old questions, and hints of what is around the
next corner. 

The steps of life are to be taken with gusto, a flourish, some might
even say a madcap enthusiasm.  Each step lived to the fullest with
its people, places, and adventures, presented before you in a
tapestry  of colors and sounds, a cornucopia of tastes and smells. 
Step up!
Move on!
Live life!
And remember;the handrails are for sissies!!  
--Ken Ferguson--
Artisat di Parole

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