Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Our Time

Tick-tock    ….   Tick-tock.
We can’t set the pace.
Time flies by like the wind,
or drags on for an eternity.
We have no say in the matter.
Time has its own schedule.

Tick-tock    ….    Tick-tock.
We can’t set the length.
Our time may be short and sweat,
or stretch on like a desert road.
We don’t have the choice.
Time sets its own agenda.

Tick-tock    ….    Tick-tock.
We can’t set the end.
We don’t know the when or the where,
or the how or the why.
We’re not privy to our final curtain.
 Time writes the grand finale.

Tick-tock    ….    Tick-tock
We do get to fill in the spaces.
We can choose to be positive,
and loving and caring,
and giving and nurturing.
We get to fill in the story.
Time sets the final period. 
--Ken Ferguson--

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