Friday, November 27, 2009

Today is traditionally known as "Black Friday", the busiest shopping day of the year. At least that is the hype put forth by the folks in retail. And while the number of people out "shopping" is staggering, I have to wonder just how much money will be spent this year. And really, you have to wonder just how many "deals" can be had today. Once the bait items are gone, isn't it just more of the same at regular prices??

There are a lot of people who just don't have the money to spend that they have had in the past due to the current state of the economy. I know our family for one will be cutting way back on Xmas presents this year.

So this year Karen and I are staying home this "Black Friday." We are going to be part of the "don't buy anything day." This will surely increase our odds of not being trampled by the mobs trying to get into the store first, or fighting over that coveted parking spot, or stepping over those picked over sweaters on the floor.

The Christmas Season is officially upon us. Good luck to all, and please be safe.

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