Monday, January 14, 2008

Puerto Rican Holiday

Today is a national holiday in Puerto Rico in honor of the guy who was instrumental in starting the educational system on the island. I don't remember his name. So we took the day off and went on holiday. Our first stop was at an equestrian center where we rented horses for a ride along the beach. We each got mounted up and were off on a slow trip down to the beach. My horse was one of the slower horses and lagged at the rear throughout the trip. I'm sure it didn't take him long to figure out that I didn't know what the heck I was doing. He even came to a stop once and I couldn't get him going again. Then Jim told me the horse was peeing and that

he would start again on his own when he was done, which he did. We went out on the beach for about a half mile and that was very nice. There was a cool breeze and clear skies. On the way back my horse trotted a couple of times. I'm sure he just wanted to get back and get me off his back. Jim and I were joined by Betsy, Jilissa, and Jenny. We all got a bit of sun and a great time was had by all.

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